Anna in the News

4 Chefs Share Pumpkin Secrets

Pumpkin enzymes help you digest food, so having pumpkin pie at the end of a meal helps break down and digest the food you just had. So it’s perfect for a dessert. I don’t know why we don’t eat it more than once a year.  — Anna Harouvis, owner of Anna in the Raw and Good to Go Cafe  Read the recipe and other chefs pumpkin secrets here! 

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Anna in the Raw detoxes from social media for a week!

Detoxing from social media is hard work so I look a break to see what kind of change it made in my day-to-day life. My only requirement was to send in at least one video diary a day updating the news team on my progress.

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Anna in the Raw featured on!

Anna in the Raw and Good to Go Cafe were featured as one of 33 vegan-friendly restaurants to visit in Cleveland!

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Who Makes Juice for LeBron James? Cleveland’s Anna in the Raw

Growing up in a Greek family, Anna Harouvis has fond memories of spending hours after school cooking with her grandmother while her athletic brothers played sports non-stop outside.

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Raw food chef-evangelist Anna Marie Harouvis shares her favorite CLE dining spots: 5 for Friday

The owner-operator of the Good To Go Cafe (a healthy, fresh fast-food stop) and Anna in the Raw has been prepping, serving and evangelizing 100-percent raw and vegan food to an increasingly fervent audience here in Cleveland.

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